Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Summer excitement

What a fun few months it has been here at home!  We have had such a wonderful summer so far, and we are very excited that Jonas will be turning ONE in a month! Wow, time has passed so quickly since our little Jonas was born.  I can hardly believe that is has been almost a year already!

In June we took a fantastic trip to Florida with my (Tara's) family.  We stayed on beautiful Captiva Island in the Gulf of Mexico just west of Fort Myers.  We had a cute little condo that we all stayed in and we were just a short walk to the beach!  This was Jonas's first trip on a plane, and it was quite memorable for me, but I am pretty sure that he won't remember it at all!  He did enjoy the beach and also loved riding the little trolley that transported the Resort guests to and from each side of the island.  Here are a few pictures from our trip to Florida. 

The rest of June just flew by after we got home from vacation.  I felt like every time I turned around there was more to put away after our trip!  It took me and Jonas a while to get back into the normal schedule, but we were all able to get back to normal life soon enough! 

Jonas turned 10 months old at the end of June, and has since been practicing his walking and standing alone skills! So far, he hasn't taken any steps on his own, but we think he will be there before we know it! He loves to be walked around while holding mommy or daddy's hands and he really enjoys kicking his big bouncy ball around the house! Here are some photos of Jonas around his 10 month mark.

 Now that July has rolled around, Jonas is already 11 months old!  He is really improving on standing on his own.  In fact, he can stand on his own, however, he likes to be a stinker about it and sometimes refuses to.  I think he just likes being mobile and isn't quite ready to learn something new.  I am confident, though, that he will be walking very soon!  Jonas loves to talk and most things right now are all "dada".  He just loves Dada so much, that he calls everything "dada".  Sometimes I can get him to call me "mama", but only occasionally! He loves to swing in the back yard, and plays with Dora, our dog, all the time.  Sometimes she plays too rough with him, but soon Jonas will be bigger than her and that won't matter any more! Jonas has learned how to dance, and sometimes he tries to sing!  He is very musical, and if you haven't already seen the video on Facebook of Jonas playing the drums, you should check it out!

Well, I am hoping that I will be better about posting on the blog, but you never know with a little one around!  Thanks for reading!