Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Big Sister

My beautiful Little Joelle Rose

This month you turned two years old!  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing you home to meet your big brother for the first time, and just over a month ago we were bringing your little sister home for you to meet her for the first time.  So much can change in two years!  It makes me excited to see how you will change in the next two years. 

Watching your personality develop has been such an adventure this year.  A year ago, you could barely walk on your own and only knew a dozen words or so, and now you are a running, jumping, talking little girl!  Part of me is sad to see that you have changed so much so quickly, but really, that same part of me is just as excited for those very same things! Over the past year, you have learned to count to 10, sing some of your favorite songs, say your A,B,C's, and so much more.  I love to watch you learning new things, and I am so excited to see you learn more this next year! 

I know that this next year will be a challenging one for your dad and me.  You have shown us that you are a very strong willed independent little girl, and we love that about you!  But we pray that you will learn to obey - not so that we can pat ourselves on the back as parents.  But so that you will have an easier time obeying God's Word.  I know that it can be hard to listen and obey, but I pray that you will learn and grow into the little girl that God wants you to become.  I know that it will take time, maybe even more than just this year to come.  I will pray that daddy and I will be patient with you as you learn and grow.  Remember though, that sometimes we make mistakes too, and even though we do, we love you so much!  We love you more than you know, and we are so proud of you! 

We Love you Joelle!

Pictures of Joelle from 1 to 2 years old







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