Our Family

My name is Tara. I am 28 years old.  I am happily married to my wonderful, hardworking, loving husband, Steve.  We will celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary in May of 2017.  We met while working at a Christian Camp called Camp Barakel.  This Camp has a special place in our hearts, because of the summer that we spent volunteering there as counselors.  My husband and I started dating just after our summer as counselors was complete.  He proposed in February of 2008, and after a long year and a half of waiting, we were finally married in May of 2009! 

Our first years of marriage have been filled with lots of laughs and love.  We were able to keep our first pet (a red Betta fish) alive for nearly 2 years, I graduated from college, and we bought our first home together!  We tried out some parenting skills out on a puppy in the summer of 2010 and we liked her so much that we decided to keep her!  Pandora, or Dora as we call her, is our very energetic yet wimpy Beagle puppy.  She will always be our first-born and hold a special place in our hearts, even though she does get into a lot of trouble! 

My Husband and I are faithful members at our church Harvest Bible Chapel .  We both love the Lord with all of our hearts.  It is because of Him that we are able to take our next breath. We live our lives in service to Him, because He first loved us.  Please read the "My Faith" section of this blog to understand more about our beliefs. 

On December 24, 2010 our lives changed forever!  We found out that we were expecting a baby!  The long wait until we could meet our little one had just begun.  We found out that the baby was a boy on Steve's 24th birthday and we couldn't have been happier!  The summer was filled with much anticipation, and lots of long hot days.  Our little one made his grand entrance into the world on August 21, 2011.  Jonas Malachi was just perfect! 

Jonas is now 5 years old!!  We can hardly believe how much he has changed in such a short time.  He has grown into such a sweet little boy.  Steve and I love to watch him learn and grow and we pray that he will know the Lord and trust in Him as his Savior.  We are so blessed to have Jonas as our own, and every day we thank the Lord for giving him to us. 

On January 10, 2013, We welcomed our second child into our family!  Joelle Rose surprised us a few weeks early with her arrival, but we couldn't have been more excited to finally meet her!  She is now 4 years old and we are very excited to watch her grow and learn over the years to come. 

Jaina Lynne was our late Christmas Gift, arriving on December 27th 2014.  She has been growing quickly and is already 2 years old now!  We are so glad to have her a part of our family and we are excited to watch her grow up!