Late in Spring of 2013, we took a huge leap of faith and moved from Grand Rapids, MI down to Noblesville, IN to be a part of a church plant that we felt God was leading us to be a part of, and little did we know what we would go through in the year to follow. We moved into an apartment and trusted that the Lord would sell our home in Michigan in his timing. On September 30th, we received our first blessing of selling our first house in Michigan. That first summer in Indiana was filled with concerns and uncertainties of when (and if) our little house in Michigan would sell, and just when we got to the point where we thought we couldn't continue paying rent and a mortgage at the same time, God brought the right buyers into the picture. A few more hurdles of removing raccoons from the fireplace and unexpected repairs and we were officially house-less! It was a huge weight off of our shoulders!
God continued to amaze us when we found a wonderful builder with a brand new phase opening up in a current development in the small town of Westfield. Steve and I immediately fell in love with the house the first time we walked through the model home and could picture our lives in a home like that. Trusting God, we began a new home construction process! Unaware that we would have to deal with the difficult times ahead, we excitedly prayed that God would allow this house to be ours.
With car repairs here, and hospital bills there, things started to look less hopeful, and I started to wonder if we would have to back out of the contract. God continued to surprise us with annual bonuses or larger tax returns than anticipated, and sometimes I wonder why I ever doubt Him!
So, here we are living this life that God has given us, and I pray that I will never take this house for granted. God truly has given this home to us, and I pray that we will use it to glorify Him. This is our house - in documents and legal form - but this house belongs to God. I pray that He will use it as He sees fit, and I pray that we will be able to enjoy many more weeks, months and years in our beautiful new home!