Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Year has Passed...

A Year has passed and my little one is no longer a baby!  I can hardly believe that Jonas is already a Year old!  It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital, and here we are, a year later!  Our Jonas has really grown into a little boy and with each day that passes, he looks less and less like a baby and more and more like a toddler.  It is sad, is so many ways to see him grow up, but it is also one of the best experiences of my life!  I love that he is little and dependent on me as his mother, but yet, I still encourage him to do new things and to grow up!

We had a wonderful celebration this past weekend for Jonas's birthday.  Both Steve's family and my family were able to come to our home to celebrate our little man turning one!  It was wonderful  to have everyone together;  I think the last time all of our family (mom's, dad's, brothers, sisters, etc) was our wedding!  Here are some photos from Jonas's birthday party. 


Jonas took his first steps this month!  It was so exciting to see him standing and walking on his own.  He gets very nervous when he realizes that he is standing on his own, so we are trying to make sure that he doesn't get too anxious about it.  We have been helping him practice walking, and I am sure that soon, he will overcome the fear and realize that his little body can hold him up all on his own!  Jonas has a toy that he loves to push around the house and yell "Bee-Bee" (Translation: 'beep-beep').  It is so cute to see him do this, and he absolutely love it!  Even though he probably uses this toy as a safety net, and it is most likely the reason he doesn't walk on his own all of the time, I would rather him take his time and get there on his own.  He enjoys the toy and it isn't hurting anything, well, except for the times that he runs over my toes!  Here is a picture of him with his walker toy! You can see the joy in his eyes!

I think I started writing this blog post on Jonas's actual birthday - August 21st, so I can't really remember if I was planning on mentioning anything else!  I guess that comes with being pregnant!  Some days I forget the simplest of words!  It is actually kind of funny, and Steve enjoys it too!  Continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers in these next few months!  only 22 more weeks until our due date! I will keep you all posted on Baby Y #2.  We have our ultrasound schedule in about 2 1/2 weeks, and we are eagerly anticipating finding out if it is a boy or a girl!  Thanks for reading our blog!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Our Big Announcement!

Hello Family and Friends!  Steve and I are so excited to announce that we are expecting our second baby!  We feel so blessed and are excited beyond words to welcome this little one into the world next year!  Our due date is set at January 28th and we can hardly believe that in less than 6 short months we will get to hold our little son or daughter in our arms!

We were blessed to be able to have an ultrasound at the end of June, around the 9 week mark.  It was so wonderful to see our little one so tiny and perfect!  I can hardly wait until our 20 week ultrasound!  Here are the photos that we have. 

So far, I have been feeling alright throughout the pregnancy.  I have not had as much energy as I did when I was pregnant with Jonas, but I am hoping that now that I have started the Second Trimester, a bit of my energy will start to come back! 

I am sure that if Jonas could understand that he was going to be a big brother, he would be so excited!  He is a bit young, though, to completely understand what is going on.  I think that once we bring the new baby home it will maybe make sense to him!  He does like to say "baby" though, and it is so sweet when he does! 

Please pray for us throughout these next few months as we prepare for this new little one to enter our family.  We are so excited, however having a second child will be a big adjustment!  I welcome any tips or thoughts about transitioning from one baby to two! 

I will keep you posted throughout the pregnancy on the health and progress of Baby Yousef #2.  Only 6 more weeks until we get to see Baby Y in another ultrasound!